Hunger strike

I’ve had enough of my mother. After i jumped out of the window and called the cops on her, we went to court and i went back home. It was my choice but i’m thinking i should’ve stayed at lad lake . Anyways I was supposed to get my phone 2 weeks after i did that but it’s been a month!!! &i haven’t gotten to hangout with anyone!!! So i’m going on a hunger strike. I’m going to starve myself until i get my phone back. I only weigh 98 pounds. Of course I’ll be drinking water. But i’m seriously about this. I’ve done so much i deserve my phone back. I’ve cleaned , got my grades up. Been locked in my house. God damn i want my phone . The hunger strike begins now . xo unknown 

It wasn’t suicide! I promise!

As I decide to go down to the kitchen and actually finally leave my room since my mother isn’t home I help my boyfriend on his everfi. My father enters the kitchen and we have a long ass talk. He thought about what i did and thought i tried to kms and come to think of it i wasn’t trying to kms i promise. But no one seems to believe me and it hurts i mean come on if i wanted to kms i’d take the glass and stab myself or I’d take the knife and stab myself but i didn’t i just jumped out because i was terrified of my mother. Yes, i jumped out of my window located on the second floor. It seems crazy but if you knew what my mother was doing, you’d do the same.. I was scared shitless i thought maybe she would’ve killed me tbh. So i pushed my drawers and my bed to the door and called my boyfriend ik bad idea i just thought maybe he would call the cops. As i kicked the window and jumped. It’s not like i just jumped out no i was careful i hung on the window then went feet first to the floor but when i landed i still fell on my side. My head bumped onto the ground as well. I got up as soon as i landed running as fast as i could which wasn’t fast since i had a cut on my hip from the glass window either when i turned or landed idk but i had a cut and i was bleeding a lot! i ran and was heading in the direction of my boyfriend’s house i wanted to be with my boyfriend! he makes me feel safe! he’s my home. he’s the loml & in the direction of his house i witnessed an ambulance and i went to the firemen and i was hot and i was dizzy and i almost fainted, almost vomited. Everything was happening too fast i just wanted to go see my boyfriend. As the firemen checked my cuts and my bump they took my heart presser etc and called the cop. I had to hide, i had to get away from my mother. I tried running away from them to go see my boyfriend. All i could think about was him. I’m such an idiot for calling him and he had to see that )); I shouldn’t have done that, idk what i was thinking but i had to see him but when i tried running the firemen stopped me and had to carry me because they didn’t want me to open up the cut on my hip even more and so they put me in the ambulance truck again. The cops and the firemen were filling me up with all these questions i answered them but i also kept talking about my boyfriend telling them how i have to go to him asking them all if they can take me to him asking them if they can call him for me. They said i have to go to the hospital, so they took me. They had to take x-rays and they had to run tests on me to see if i was okay. I hadn’t eaten the whole day but tbh i wasn’t hungry i didn’t want anything i couldn’t stop crying all i wanted was to be in the arms of my boyfriend. The nurse checked and luckily i didn’t need stitches just a special bandage. I passed out and woke up around 9. The cops called child services. I had to repeat the story again and answer more questions again. They asked if i wanted to go home i immediately said no. I told them to take me to my boyfriend’s house. They said that they’ll take me only if my mother allows it considering she’s still my legal guardian. She said no. I kept begging the cops and the lady from child services to convince her! My mother said she want’s me home and that i won’t be going to my boyfriends house )); i told the cops and the lady i won’t be going home with her tonight i can’t even look at her. So they decided lad lake was where i’ll be headed. I changed i couldn’t really move )); i was in hella pain. Still all i wanted was to be with my boyfriend! it’s all i ever wanted. This cop was going to be taking me to this place where i’d have to wait till another cop would come to pick me up and take me to lad lake. The cop had to handcuff me and it hurt! I was scared )); it was the law he kept saying im sorry i have to do this to you your nothing but a sweet girl and i just kept crying. I waited for almost an hour then the other cop came and i got handcuffed again and she told me to lad lake. I didn’t know where i was headed i was v scared i was missing my boyfriend i just wanted to see him and be with him! I entered lad lake it was probably already 11 and they gave me a room with a bed and stuff. I stayed in the room instead of communicating with the other girls there. In the morning i took a shower and this girl talked to me and we ate breakfast. She said she thought i was someone else and she wanted to kick my ass. Like damn )); these girls have done bad things and i haven’t. They all told me what they did and it’s pretty damn bad. I was only sent there because i didn’t want to go home and my mother wouldn’t let me stay at my boyfriend’s or even a friends. I got a call from my social worker and she said we’re gonna have court. I was in court and idk if i made the right choice but i decided to head home… and now here i am ignoring my mother for what she did and it’s gonna take time for me to forgive. I can’t even look at her nor talk with her. But me jumping wasn’t an attempt for suicide i promise. Someone please believe me please understand all i wanted was to be away from my mother. xo unknown

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